Thursday, March 20, 2014

it's my potty

This is a rant and a heads up I hope. A little lesson about dignity. Can you imagine waking up in the middle of the night and you feel that urge, you may be sleepy but your bladder isn’t. You know you won’t make it until morning, there’s no chance of falling back asleep. What do you do? You probably get up and stumble through your bedroom in the dark, feeling your way around your bed, across the floor and out into the hallway towards the potty. Ahhh! You head back to bed, crisis averted.
Now imagine this: you are elderly, in a bed that is yours but not your own. You can’t get up without help but you know you have to go. So you push your call button and no one come. You push it again, someone either comes in and turns it off or they tell you no. No, you can’t get up, no they won’t take you. So you push your button again and yell out for help and a person tells you to shut up or be quiet. They tell you to go in your brief and they leave you that way until your morning aide comes in and cleans you up. They leave you lying in it for hours,they rob you of your dignity and strip you of your pride.
Where is the dignity of growing old when the people taking care of you won’t allow you that tiny bit of decency.
Someone’s getting fired up here today. Someone who took my Mother’s  dignity away and robbed her of her pride.

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